I just realized my last post wasn't on the front page. Well whatever, it was really long-winded so here's the gist of it, plus what's on my mind today:
-high fructose corn syrup sucks
-not having to type out essays anymore when I can just say them out loud is pretty awesome
-Jones soda is delicious
-tankmen and madness are about penises
-Gwonzlum buys the universe
That last one is a new one, that's the name of a series I want to eventually start making. It's about an all-powerful godlike entity from another universe named Gwonzlum (the guy in my header image), that buys the entire universe for him to control. I draw Gwonzlum a lot, even years ago, when I was trying to make several cartoons that I just never found the time or patience for. He's basically just a strange looking villain type character that's all gray and has a hand for a body. I figured he would have to be a shape shifter, since I always thought of different ways to draw him in every picture. Gwonzlum's personality is hard to define, because he's not really a human, and doesn't have any human hopes, fears, dreams, or flaws, all he knows is commerce. He is not exactly evil but is completely cold, calculating and heartless. I think the best way I can describe his personality is that he's a mix of Hitler... and Jesus. You know, the two idealistic polar opposites. I think it would be an interesting mix, like putting marshmallow fluff on a burger. He tries to do good, but his idea of good is very different from ours.
Here's the picture for who ever missed it, or is too lazy to go back to the other entry.
twinkletoes ws his nickname in highschool